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US Fastener Sources
US Fastener Sources
US Fastener Sources

Best B2B Fastener Distributors

Technology was been rapidly changing the methods fastener distributors sell fasteners and how fastener buyers purchase. After reviewing thousands of fastener distributors websites and evaluating the ones that offer b2b service we have created a list of the BEST b2b Fastener Distributors in America.

Criteria used in the evaluation of b2b fastener distributors is NOT based on who is the biggest, although several of the largest distributors in revenue made the list.

The key points include the ease and speed of navigation, the filters used to describe a fastener, use of pictures or drawings to assist one locating the fastener(s), price & packaging quantities, easy check-out and payment procedure, technical information and finally the feedback from customers and their over-all satisfaction with the distributor.

The list is in Alpha-Order and is not a final list, but one that can grow as we are made aware of other distributors adding b2b sales on-line to their websites and pass criteria evaluation.


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