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"Build a better mousetrap, and the world will beat a path to your door" is attributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson. "Necessity is the mother of invention" is a phrase that was to become a metaphor about the power of innovation.
For Mike McGuire, President of Worldwide Fastener these phrases inspired him to recognize the individuals and companies for fastener and fastening application innovation that are leading the way to specific performance with new fastener development and design. The award includes a framed Certificate of Celebration of Fastener Innovation and a unique Crystal Marquise world globe for the Fastener Innovation Award.
The United States leads the world in innovation and in-particular fasteners and fastening systems. Fastener innovation is so strong and on-going, it is called a "Technology Trend" in the fastener industry. Today, fastener engineers and designers dictate that fasteners are an important component of product design and are now thought of "first" in specifying fastening applications, not an after-thought of how to assemble the product.
A driving force in the evaluation process for a Fastener Innovation Award is that the fasteners be innovative in assemblies today and that they will be tomorrow's standard. Our philosophy is continuous improvement with innovative solutions for customers fastening applications.
2022 Fastener Innovation Award Honorees
2021 Fastener Innovation Award Honorees
2020 Fastener Innovation Award Honorees
2019 Fastener Innovation Award Honorees
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