The Right Source
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ONLY you manage your Supplier Profile and no one else! You can add and delete Supplier Profile details as you wish, you can add and delete Product Listings and/or Part Numbers to change around your account information. With notification, we can add your Tradenames as you wish. Soon we will be adding the ability to show your YouTube videos and/or pictures of your company.
After you register and submit your payment, NOW you can complete the 14 "Informational Blocks" to "Tell-Us" about your company story. This is an opportunity not available on any other fastener sourcing website we know of around the world.
Take your time, plan how you want to present your company to the market place. This is very important as you can write to your hearts content describing your company and all the features and benefits you provide your customers.
The 14 "Informational Blocks" are as follows:
CAPABILITIES: This is one of the most important features on the whole website to properly promote and detail your company. Write about the products you manufacture or supply. For example, write about the types of fasteners you sell, size range, diameters, head styles, drive recesses, point styles, materials and your freight policies. Tell us about your capacity, your packaging or kitting services, your inventory levels, lead-times, your distributor programs, any VMI programs and more. You can always add and delete information as you control these "Informational Blocks" on your Supplier Profile 100% of the time!
QUALITY ASSURANCE: Describe the systematic monitoring and evaluation of the various activities within your QA System that can be demonstrated to provide the confidence that your fasteners will meet the demands of the customer in regards to quality.
CERTIFICATIONS: List the Quality Certifications your company has earned, i.e. ISO 9001, NadCap, QLP, Mil-Std., etc. List Certifications like Woman Owned and/or Veteran Owned. List other types of certifications besides just the ones for quality.
LICENSEE: List the License(s) your company manufacturers under and/or your Licensees.
PATENTS: List all the Patents you have been awarded or the ones that are Patent Pending. Let your customers know about your inventions and your innovations.
EQUIPMENT: List your important production equipment, your secondary equipment and/or your Quality Control (QC) measuring and inspection equipment. List those Headers, Threaders, Tensile Tester, Presses, Packing Equipment, CNC Machines, Plating list what you want to best describe your company.
BRANCH LOCATIONS: List your branches or your Stocking Rep's warehouse to make it easier for national and regional companies to locate your closest branch to their company(s) location.
MARKETS SERVED: Tell-Us your strengths in which markets you serve. Automotive, Construction, Aerospace, MRO, Marine, Appliance, Machinery, Farm Implement, Fastener Distributors, Furniture, Retailers, KD and so forth.
AWARDS: List the awards with Pride your company has received from Distributors, OEMs, Local Business Service Groups, Schools, Charities or other Organizations.
AUTHORIZED STOCKING DISTRIBUTORS: List all of your Authorized Stocking Distributors! This helps to promote them and I am sure they will appreciate it!
MAJOR PRODUCT LINES: Provide further details of your Major Product Lines and even of the lesser ones. Remember "Tell-Us" your story!
INDEPENDENT REPS: List your Independent Reps and their contact information to help them better provide their services to you and your customers. See the "Rep List" under the Resources Tab.
ASSOCIATIONS & ORGANIZATIONS: Provide a list of the Fastener Associations or Fastener Standards Organizations you are a member. Also list local, state or national Purchasing Associations along with Purchasing Buying Groups. Don't forget state Manufacturing Associations. List Business Organizations or Groups and any Charities you support.
ABOUT US: This is the BEST one, saved for last! Write about your company from your heart. Write about the history, write about Why I Started this Business; is it a family business or a partnership or even owned by a Private Equity Group. Expand if you want on some of the categories above. Write to make current customers more knowledgeable about your company and to make potential new customers more aware of your company and to increase their interest level, where they become regular customers. This is all About You, take advantage of this opportunity!
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All Rights Reserved.
Site Links, LLC
555 Lesesne Street
Daniel Island, SC 29492
(602) 793-2383