US Fastener Sources

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US Fastener Sources
US Fastener Sources
US Fastener Sources

Fastener Resources

We've included some high-value resource material to help you better understand the world of fasteners. This industry changes quit often so we will be updating this page regularly. So, check back on a regular basis.

3D Fastener Printing
3D printing has become a part of the engineering world today

American Fastener Veterans Association
Be a part of the American Fastener Veterans Association.

Assembly Organizations
Companies involved in assembly here in the United States.

Bob Lehman Directory of Independent Fastener Reps
A listing of fastener reps with contact information.

Fastener Abbreviations
An extensive listing of popular abbreviations used in the industry.

Fastener Consultants
For anyone involved in the fastener industry, there will come a time when you will need a fastener consultant.

Fastener Cost Reduction Evaluation
An explanation and a download for you to use on your letterhead.

Fastener Design Manual
NASA Reference Publication 1228

Fastener Hall of Fame
Extensive list of leaders in our industry.

Fastener Innovation Awards
Recognizing those responsible for fastener and fastening application innovation.

Fastener Specification Organizations
Listing of several Fastener Specification Organizations.

Fastener Standards
Explanation of the major fastener standards that exist today.

Fastener Stocks
A listing of publicly traded fastener stocks in the US.

How To Cut Costs
A valuable article with tips and advice to help save you money.

Licensed Fastener Manufacturers
A licensed fastener has been certified by a third party to meet industry standards.

Mechanical Fastener Markets
General listing of Mechanical Fastener Markets.

Multi-Line Reps
Outsourced providers of field sales services in the fastener industry.

WWFS Fastener Associates
Firms that provide ancillary services to the fastener industry.


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