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US Fastener Sources
US Fastener Sources
US Fastener Sources

Industrial Fastener Study Guide

Second Edition

ONLY $42.95/copy (for U.S. delivery)

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The goal of this Study Guide is to provide a sound conceptual basis for studying industrial fasteners. The Study Guide will introduce the novice to the wide range of industrial fasteners and be a review for the experienced fastener specialist.

The student of the Study Guide should use the guide as a foundation to continue to further one's knowledge in the ever changing and dynamic fastener industry.

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The Study Guide is composed of 500 questions (teaching points) that are either True/False, Fill in the Blank, or a Drawing. Following are pages on Thread Terminology, Types of Screw Points, Types of Bolt & Screw Heads, Technical Information on Nut and Bolt Threads and a handy Threads Per Inch Chart.

A little bit of history about the Study Guide. It was first copyrighted in 1977 and became a good training aid for members of the NFDA at the time. In 1981, it was sold along with the American Fastener Source Guide which started the National Industrial Fastener Show.

The Study Guide is in booklet form and easy to study the questions. The student can work at his own pace to complete the total Study Guide. Before we decided to re-introduce the Fastener Study Guide, we went through it and really enjoyed our time spent reviewing the questions and answers. What we found interesting is the terms and answers from 45 years ago are the same as they would be today!, LLC

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